Myths, Legends, or Truth?


True stories passed on by word of mouth, form generation to generation. Never being told to any but those whom belong……. Now being shared with any that will take the time to heed.


The Undying Feud

Dragon -VS- Phoenix



The number Seven has had many meanings throughout time. Knowledge, Wealth, Wisdom, are a few. They are pursed by many, but those whom have best achieved this are the Seven Dragons. Their thirst for these things has led to many wars fought through out time. Only seven have ever existed. They have never really cared if others fought for them just what can be gained. Their greatest secret is the only way to kill a dragon is by a dragon. Now only one is left in existence.


Only one has ever been recorded in the notes of history. Living it’s life choices of being the best it can be. Till he grows old and can no longer exist. Then he starts all over again. All knowledge is retained from life to life. Just how the body reacts to things is what changes as it grows from baby size to adulthood again and again. Giving him many different points of view. Trying to learn all the knowledge in existence.


True Versions of the Old


Telling of the Unheard